Top 7 Ways To Predict And Monitor Ovulation And Menstrual Cycle


When it comes to fertility, knowledge is power. Understanding your fertile period is crucial when aiming to conceive or prevent pregnancy. Your fertile window comprises several days around ovulation when pregnancy is feasible. Ovulation happens when an egg is released from the ovary and remains viable for 12 to 24 hours, while sperm can survive inside the female body for up to five days, thus increasing the chances of fertilization if intercourse occurs within this timeframe.

Each woman’s menstrual cycle can vary, but a typical cycle is about 28 days long, though it’s normal for cycles to range from 23 to 35 days in length. The cycle begins with the first day of menstruation and ends the day before the next period starts. Hormones regulate this cycle, and ovulation is induced by a rise in estrogen levels that leads to the release of an egg.

Can You Predict Ovulation?

The hormonal changes that lead up to ovulation are predictable. Estrogen levels increase in the three to five days before ovulation. Similarly, the luteinizing hormone (LH) surges 24 to 36 hours before ovulation and reaches its peak 10 to 12 hours before the egg is released. These hormonal changes are the most accurate indicators of ovulation.

The changes in these two hormones cause ovulation – the start of your fertile window and are the most accurate and consistent signs of ovulation to track. The signs and symptoms of ovulation vary among women, but there are a variety of methods practised by women to predict ovulation.

There are several methods to predict ovulation:

  1. Hormone Testing: For those serious about conception or avoiding pregnancy, hormone testing is recommended. Hormone levels can be tracked with accuracy comparable to laboratory tests since hormones are the driving force behind ovulation.
  2. Calendar Method: This method involves charting your menstrual cycle to predict ovulation, which typically occurs 14 days before the start of the next period. However, understanding your unique cycle pattern can take up to a year of regular charting, and variations in cycles may reduce the method’s accuracy.

Unfortunately, every woman and every cycle is different. It usually takes less than one year of continuous charting to understand the pattern of your cycle. Although this method is simple in theory, it may not be most accurate when you want to get pregnant or avoid pregnancy naturally.

  1. Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Tracking: Your BBT fluctuates with your menstrual cycle. Before ovulation, it’s lower and rises following ovulation due to an increase in progesterone. By measuring your BBT daily in morning, you can identify these shifts. A sustained rise in temperature for three days can indicate ovulation has occurred.
  2. Cervical Mucus Method: The consistency, colour, and volume of cervical mucus change throughout the menstrual cycle. It becomes clear, stretchy, and like raw egg whites around ovulation, indicating fertility. Documenting these changes everyday can help you pinpoint your fertile window, although accuracy improves when combined with BBT.

Cervical mucus will go through the following stages during the menstrual cycle.

  1. Non-ovulating: mucus is dry and sticky.
  2. Ovulation may be coming: mucus is creamy.
  3. Ovulation is very close: mucus is wet and watery.
  4. Ovulation has occurred: mucus is very wet, stretchy and resembles raw egg white.

When using this method to determine your fertile window you should check mucus daily (except during periods) and record the results on a chart. Keep in mind that medications, feminine hygiene products, douching, sexual intercourse, breastfeeding or having a pelvic exam where lubrication is used can all change the look of cervical mucus. This method is most accurate when combined with BBT.

  1. The Two-Day Method: This is a simplified version of the cervical mucus method. If you notice cervical secretions for two consecutive days, you are probably fertile. No secretions for two days suggest you’re not in your fertile window.
  2. The Symptothermal Method (STM): Combining BBT, cervical mucus, and the calendar methods offers a 99.6% efficacy rate in predicting fertility. It is highly accurate since it uses various indicators to identify your fertile window.
  3. Cervical Position Method: The cervix’s position, firmness, and openness change throughout your cycle. Its position rises, softens, and opens as ovulation approaches, which can help determine fertility.
  4. Ovulation Predictor Kits: These are one of the most precise ways to anticipate ovulation. They measure LH levels and indicate an impending ovulation within 12 to 36 hours when LH surges.

Tracking multiple ovulation indicators may seem daunting, but with numerous apps and tools available, the process can be simplified. For women with irregular cycles, predicting the best time to conceive is more challenging, and hence, using multiple methods is advised.