Why do you Need Fertility Treatments?

Fertility Treatments

The desire to have babies is almost universal, yet people don’t always act in the best way with regard to their fertility Treatments. According to research, more individuals are being exposed to fertility-threatening risks, such as obesity, an increase in the age at first birth and a delay in infertile persons seeking early medical care.  As we are all aware, the rate of infertility is increasing in our society on a daily basis, and to some extent, our lifestyle changes are to blame. 

It was common for women to have children before the age of thirty in the period of our grandparents because of early marriage and early family planning, but within the last two to three decades, the situation has been steadily changing.  

In an environment of competition, people are more focused on finishing their education and exploring their employment options. So we see people getting married in their 30s these days. Family planning is being put off even further as priorities like work adjustment and life adjustment take precedence. Infertility caused by male factors is steadily increasing as a result of stress, alcohol, hereditary disorders, and other medical conditions. 

Why is it hard for women over 30 to get pregnant?

The ovaries of females contain a finite number of eggs at birth. Since her first menstrual period, she has had these eggs recruited during every cycle. Her total number of eggs therefore decreases as she gets older. It gets harder to get pregnant beyond 30 to 35 years of age since egg quality and quantity continue to decline. 

What is a fertility treatment?

For many women, getting a pregnancy requires specialized medical care. Fertility treatment is the name given to this type of care. Infertility-related medical procedures are included in assisted reproductive technology. In vitro fertilization, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, cryopreservation of gametes or embryos and the use of fertility drugs are some of the methods. 

Consider getting fertility therapy if:

You are under 35 years old and have been trying to get pregnant for at least a year. 
You’ve been trying to conceive for a minimum of six months and are 35 years of age or older. 
You’re trying to become pregnant but your periods are irregular, painful, or no periods. 
If you have endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, or a history of miscarriages, but are trying to conceive. 
Semen analysis is frequently done to rule out male factor infertility. Total sperm count, sperm motility, and sperm morphology are significant factors in semen analysis. The ‘WHO requirements’ for a normal semen sample should be satisfied by these variables. Otherwise, a couple should look into assisted reproductive technologies. 

Which fertility treatments are available? 

Different types of fertility treatment are present. Which Fertility treatments gives you the best chance of becoming pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy is something you, your partner, and your healthcare provider can decide. Commonly used therapies include: 

In vitro fertilization 
Controlled overstimulation of the ovaries 
Injection of intracytoplasmic sperm 
Surgery to repair certain reproductive system components in you or your partner. For instance, you could require surgery on your Fallopian tubes to facilitate the passage of your eggs from your ovaries to your uterus. 

Understanding of fertility

The general public lacks enough understanding about fertility treatments. The evidence suggests that people are ignorant of the biological processes involved in conception; they frequently overestimate the likelihood of conception at the time of ovulation, are unaware of the times when women are most fertile, and are unaware of the sharp decline in female fertility after the age of 34.  

There is not enough knowledge of specific risk factors for decreased fertility, such as smoking, drinking, and sexually transmitted diseases. To increase sperm parameters beyond a certain point, there are few resources available. 

The biological cycle must be maintained by a couple in order to keep the body’s hormones in balance; otherwise, issues like polycystic ovaries and ovarian cysts, which are widespread in today’s culture, may arise. The symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) have been made worse by nutritional deficiencies brought on by the tendency towards fast food and poor hygiene. 

Both the male and female members of a relationship have equal responsibility for conception. However, men alone are the sole cause of infertility in about 30–40% of cases. 

Therefore, a child-seeking couple should be investigated first with basic reports, the precise cause of infertility should be ruled out, and the mode of treatment should be chosen in accordance with that. 

Fertility and Health

Treatment for infertility has a role in more than simply helping with conception. Additionally, it might reveal additional health issues or behavioural patterns that could affect general wellbeing. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), for instance, impairs fertility but also raises the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Diabetes, heart disease, and osteoporosis risk factors are all influenced by hormonal abnormalities in males that affect fertility. 

The psychological difficulties associated with infertility can be severe. Couples who have been unable to conceive frequently experience depression and worry. When given an infertility diagnosis, it’s common yet upsetting to experience sorrow, anger, disappointment, and loss of self-esteem and confidence. The management of these conditions is a part of the management of infertility. 

Please get in touch with us at 9M Fertility Hospital if a year has passed and you are still unable to conceive. Rarely do fertility issues just disappear on their own. We provide comprehensive gynecologic and reproductive health care services at 9M for women of all ages. In addition to offering ultrasound scanning at various stages of pregnancy, we also provide a full scanning package.  For women’s comfort and to receive high-quality care with all women’s health concerns, we are accessible to our patients throughout their pregnancy. We will evaluate your circumstances and talk about ways to help you get pregnant or keep it going while also enhancing your health.

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