Top 5 Effective Treatments for Low Sperm Count in Men


The sperm count in men is falling faster than ever across the globe. According to an extensive study conducted on sperm counts over the decades, there has been a staggering 59% decrease in men’s sperm counts.

The study found that sperm count has been gradually declining every decade, driven by rising pollution, increased plastic usage, declining fitness levels, and general health issues. Even the seepage of microplastics into our daily lives plays a role.

There are many contributing factors to this decline, but the reality remains: men’s sperm counts men are plummeting every decade creating a host of fertility problems.

With almost a decade passing now, the problem has undoubtedly worsened, and it’s high time to take proactive steps to mitigate it. So, if you’re a couple planning for parenthood, it’s highly advisable to raise your awareness about this looming problem to ensure a smoother and more successful journey to parenthood.

In this blog, with insights from our fertility experts at 9M Fertility, we’ll briefly introduce sperm count and its impact on fertility and guide you through five effective treatments to address low sperm count. Read on:

Sperm Count and Its Impact for Fertility:

Sperm count refers to the number of sperm cells present in each milliliter of semen collected for testing. In general, sperm counts usually range between 150 million and 400 million sperm per milliliter, which is considered healthy and adequate for conception.

  • Sperm count is a key factor in male fertility. The higher the sperm count, the greater the chance of conception, provided the sperm’s motility and quality are good enough.
  • On the other hand, a low sperm count can significantly reduce a man’s fertility. With fewer healthy sperm, the chances of one reaching and fertilizing an egg tend to be lower, leading to infertility or difficulty in conceiving.

A semen analysis is performed as part of a male fertility test to evaluate sperm parameters. When a low sperm count is detected, fertility experts prescribe the following treatments to improve sperm count and its quality.

Top 5 Effective Treatments for Low Sperm Count in Men:

The treatment for low sperm count depends on the exact cause of the issue. Based on the cause, the following treatments are suggested by fertility experts at 9M Fertility:

Lifestyle Changes:

Lifestyle changes are the first step toward increasing low sperm count and can work in almost all cases.

Regular exercise, a healthy diet rich in nutrients, weight loss, abstinence from alcohol and smoking, and prioritizing a stress-free environment have found to increase the sperm quantity and quality in men. Our fertility experts at 9M Fertility focus on tailoring lifestyle practices to help make the choice smooth and seamless for better conception.

Hormonal Treatments:

Hormonal treatment is another common approach when hormonal imbalances cause lower sperm count in men. After detailed and specialized evaluation, the individual is put on safe hormonal treatment procedures that include medications to help improve sperm count and quality before conception.


Surgical intervention is rare but another effective and standard procedure used to improve sperm count in cases where physical or anatomical changes are the cause. Surgical treatment for low sperm count can include vasovasostomy, where surgery is performed to remove blockages that obstruct sperm flow. It can also involve varicocele repair, where enlarged veins in the scrotum are corrected to improve sperm count and quality.

Medications and Supplements:

Certain research-based medications and supplements have been found to improve sperm count in men. These supplements are used in conjunction with lifestyle changes and medical interventions to help further improve sperm quantity and quality. These medications include antioxidants like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Coenzyme Q10, and nutrients like zinc and folic acid.

In some cases, specific medications are also given to treat underlying conditions that may affect sperm production in men.

Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART):

Even in the most challenging cases, there is always hope, something impossible a few decades ago.

Today, assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatments can help even in cases of very low sperm count. These treatment options, including IUI, IVF, and ICSI, make the most of the sperm available by selecting the healthiest sperm to ensure conception. As these advanced methods become more common, their effectiveness continues to improve.

No More Dead Ends – But Prompt Consultation is the Key to Overcoming Fertility Challenges

There was a time when infertility problems, such as low sperm count and poor sperm quality, among many others, were considered a dead-end for couples looking to begin their parenthood journeys.

Thanks to ever-growing research, advanced reproductive technology, and expert fertility specialists, these issues are now being effectively solved and bypassed. With the right and prompt diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment, almost every fertility problem can be easily addressed to ensure a smooth parenthood journey. If you are a couple looking to plan your parenthood journey and have been facing problems, it is always advisable to seek the help of fertility experts as soon as possible.

If you are in Hyderabad and looking for a consultation, our fertility specialists at 9M Fertility can assist you. Over the years, our fertility specialists have successfully solved a wide variety of infertility issues, helping thousands of couples realize their parenthood dreams. We can help you, too. You can contact us at your convenience here:
