PCOS and Fertility: Tips for Reducing the Risks & Boosting Your Chances of Conception

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a leading cause of infertility, not only in India but globally. If 1 in every five women experiences infertility, there is an 80% chance that PCOS is the underlying cause.

PCOS brings a range of challenges, often endured in silence. Beyond infertility, it is linked to symptoms such as weight gain, oily skin, excessive facial or body hair, and thinning hair. If left undiagnosed, PCOS can lead to more severe issues like type 2 diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and even endometrial cancer.

What’s alarming is that most cases of PCOS go undiagnosed, causing prolonged suffering and delaying conception for many.

PCOS & Infertility

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is characterized by multiple cysts on the ovaries, which interfere with ovarian function and reduce the chances of egg production and conception. When infertility strikes, a woman’s chances of pregnancy drop drastically, potentially leading to permanent infertility.

As part of PCOS Awareness Month, we’ve covered the details of PCOS and infertility in our previous blog, which you can read [here]. In today’s article, we’ll focus on how to reduce the risks of PCOS and increase your chances of conception.

Tips for Reducing Risk & Boosting Your Chances of Conception

While family history is one contributing factor to PCOS, it’s only part of the story. Many of the PCOS cases diagnosed at our fertility clinic are often due to factors like insulin resistance, obesity, and prolonged irregular menstruation, says one of our fertility experts and PCOS specialists in Hyderabad.

Although you can’t change your genetics, many women can reduce their risk of PCOS and improve their chances of conception by managing these other factors. Here are tried and tested tips to help:

Maintain a Healthy Weight: Maintaining a healthy weight leads to better insulin resistance, optimal hormone production, and reduced inflammation, all key factors contributing to PCOS. Keeping weight in check drastically cuts the risk of PCOS, and this is the first step we recommend at our fertility clinic in Hyderabad.

Regular Exercise: While maintaining an optimal weight reduces the risk of PCOS, regular exercise is the first step toward achieving weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight.

Not only does it promote weight loss, but it also regulates hormones, reduces inflammation, boosts mood, and lowers stress levels. Regular exercise brings much-needed discipline into daily life, cutting unhealthy habits and providing a solid foundation for a healthy lifestyle.

Eat a Balanced Diet & Keep a Check on Your Calories: While exercise helps manage PCOS, it can only induce weight loss when calories are kept in check and the diet is balanced. “Excessive eating offsets the benefits of exercise,” says our PCOS specialist in Hyderabad at 9M Fertility. Ensuring proper nutrition while monitoring your calorie intake is essential for maintaining a steady and consistent weight loss. So, a lean diet low in processed sugars and refined carbs, combined with the right mix of high-quality lean proteins, healthy fats, and whole grains, is recommended for women looking to reduce the risk of PCOS.

Monitor Menstrual Cycles :A long history of irregular menstruation is a significant factor in PCOS, indicating underlying issues in reproductive health. At 9M Fertility, our experts advise patients to regularly track their menstrual cycles, which sheds light on menstrual health. Based on this information, our fertility experts can identify potential problems in reproductive health and take the first step toward medical intervention.

“PCOS is a complex condition where each symptom can trigger multiple reproductive issues,” says our PCOS specialist in Hyderabad. By tracking menstrual health, we can uncover other factors contributing to the problem.

Once identified, we create a customized PCOS wellness plan that starts with managing symptoms, addresses the root causes, and reduces the risks associated with conception. Given that PCOS is often underdiagnosed, early intervention can lead to faster and better conception outcomes.

If you are in Hyderabad and facing challenges with natural conception, we strongly advise you to consult a fertility expert as soon as possible. You can schedule your appointment with 9M Fertility here.